The Airtable Advantage

Say goodbye to compromise

The days of retrofitting your workflow to fit your tools are over. We give you the building blocks to create a custom tool that fits your workflow precisely.

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Airtable offers templates and solutions to get you started, but you're free to scrap, shape, or structure them however makes the most sense for you.

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Your business data changes, so how you view it should be flexible. Transform that data into personalized Views like Gantt, Kanban, and more.

Airtable's relational database ensures all your data is connected. Changes made once are made everywhere—and in real time.

Only Airtable has an expansive library of plug-and-play automations. Seamlessly integrate the tools you’re already using, like Trello, Slack, Basecamp, Jira, SalesForce, and more.

Data that can scale with your business. Whether you’re a start-up, pop-up, or large organization, Airtable meets you where you are.

Stacks of round tokens symbolizing data behind an abstracted Airtable calendar UI
Stacks of round tokens symbolizing data behind an abstracted Airtable calendar UI

How Airtable puts you in the driver's seat

Everyone’s business needs are unique. With Airtable, you build the tool that meets those needs. Because no one knows your business better than you.


Track projects and initiatives

Connect and Sync any data

Define a unique data model for your organization

Create a source of truth for product delivery

Create custom interfaces for your data

Reduce tool sprawl

Record limits that allow for scaling

100k per table, 250k per base

10k items per board

How Airtable stacks up

See how Airtable ranks against Smartsheet on G2. Spoiler alert: we're winning.

  • Ease of Use: 8.9/10

  • Ease of Admin: 8.9/10

  • Product direction: 90%

View the G2 Comparison

Trusted by industry leaders


    “With other rigid tools, we were trying to adjust our operation to fit the tool, and not the other way around. What really struck me about Airtable was the flexibility. Each company, each organization, has its own way of working.”

    Gustavo Machado

    International Director of Design


    "At Medium we were able to transition our product planning to Airtable in 1 day - we use it for all major projects and were able to create the exact workflow and visibility we needed across the team."

    Chris Fry

    Head of Engineering


    "Airtable has changed the way I organize and view my information. It gives you the freedom and structure to design a solution that fits your needs, and evolve that solution progressively over time. Once you understand that, you realize how its potential applications are near limitless."

    Jeremy Ho

    Software Engineer

Teams at 500,000 forward-thinking organizations use Airtable every day. Join them.